Legit Marquees
Legit Marquees is an open-source web component for generating stylable, screen-reader-friendly text path animations. Its goal is to be easy to use on any webpage, even for those who are not as comfortable with code. On the user’s webpage, they include an SVG element with the class `legit-marquee` and the legit-marquees.js script. They can control the path, text size, speed, and direction. With CSS, they can change the fill color and the font. This year, I’ve started a beta version of a “Legit Marquee Maker,” an interface for generating the code for a legit marquee.
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All it takes to make a moving Legit Marquee is an empty SVG tag and the legit-marquees.js script below it.
The legit marquee maker generates the code for legit marquees for those who are less comfortable typing code.